Controller Testing in Zend Framework

Ouch, the previous post here was pretty bad. Messy design and it didn't even work correctly. A better guide on the topic is here:

More on design patterns

Design patterns in the context of frameworks is a nice opportunity for me to take a break from my framework posts. I've been reading a bit on design patterns as a result of that previous post, and the poll activity on the Tulsa PHP Users Group.

In my readings, I came across this old post from the Loud Thinking blog re: Patterns & Practices over languages. Good stuff, and I'll recall my related personal experience.

Before joining SourceForge, I was okay in a few languages - Java, ColdFusion, WebMethods (shudder), Javascript, SQL, XSL/XPATH - and I was pretty good in one language - PHP. The first couple months at SourceForge were simply LOTS of PHP with a bit more architecture than I was used to - caching, entity objects, a Smarty view layer - but not much different than the PHP coding I had always done.

I was exposed to a pretty sophisticated Java architecture when I joined the Marketplace engineering team. But, my main task initially was to build a few simple wrapper classes that would allow our PHP scripts to communicate with the Java backend over STOMP to a message queue system (ActiveMQ, specifically). This would let us continue to write simple (display-oriented) PHP scripts which relied on the sophisticated Java backend for most logic. I still like that idea, and think it can work well if given proper time and attention.

But as we faced mounting time constraint pressure, and in the interest of leveraging our available talent pool, we stepped away from using STOMP and took out most of the PHP code - save for a proxy-type controller which speaks to the Java app server and some helper classes. We started using the Web MVC module of the Spring framework (in addition to the Core, Testing, Transaction, and Hibernate modules we were already using), and were therefore implementing everything, including display via JSP, in Java. So I poured over Spring reference material. (Highly recommended book)

It was quite a (beneficial) learning experience for me. As I learned (and accepted) the Spring approach, I found that I started to care less and less about Java - it just happened to be the language in which Spring is written - and I cared more and more about the ways in which Spring worked.

Those "ways" are, of course, design patterns. Inversion of Control, Object-Relational Mapping and Active Record, MVC, Front Controller, Command Controllers ... these are all just "ways" of doing certain things, solving certain problems, that are common to many systems. As I said, in learning Spring, I'm appreciating these patterns more than the Java language.

This is what lessened my resistance to frameworks, so much so that I became a fan of (some of) them! But, still having fondness for PHP, I started looking for PHP frameworks which work in the same ways that Spring does. But, it has really changed my perspective from analyzing languages based on syntax, (or types, or whatever) to analyzing languages based on the availability of design pattern implementations.

In this respect, and from my searching, I still think (though it may still be simple bias) that PHP is the best language available for the web. There are many PHP MVC frameworks (look at all the ones in the comments as well) which implement nearly all the best proven design patterns for the web. There's enough choice out there that PHP engineers can choose not only the design patterns to use, but also between many different styles of each design pattern. And of course, because PHP is so easy, it doesn't take an "architect" to craft their own style implementation of a favorite design pattern. (like the Active Record implementation I referenced in my last post.)

It was a big step for me to stop focusing on certain languages and instead focus on design patterns. I think it's been a big step upwards in my engineering aptitude/skill/whatever. And the more design patterns I learn, the more I realize there are so many others I don't know that could make my programming even easier. Sadly, I'm nowhere near the competence needed to recognize the "informal patterns" (i.e., unnecessary repetition/duplication) in my own code, but hopefully I'll get there.

For now, I'm still just learning my way into the topic and very glad I have an opportunity to do so.

Frameworks - 10 pounds of Design Patterns in a 5 pound bag (hopefully)

I was inspired to write this framework-related post when I read Dirk Merkel's "Practical Active Record in PHP" article from the latest issue of PHP Architect. Ironically, I was inspired because the PHP framework I'm most excited about (Zend Framework) has, AFAIK, chosen to use a Table Data Gateway pattern instead of an Active Record pattern, which I think is not quite as intuitive or easy to use. But a comparison of those two patterns is not only off-topic for this post, but well beyond my analytical qualifications.

Instead what I'd like to point out is the fact that all good frameworks should help programmers implement good design patterns. Programmers uncomfortable or unclear about frameworks might also be uncomfortable or unclear about design patterns, but design patterns are just ways of expressing common solutions to common problems, and frameworks can help teach good patterns. The web-proven ones that come to my mind first are MVC, Front-Controller, and Active Record, but there are many many more.

If you want to fully grok the Active Record pattern, you should of course read code & articles - like the article I mentioned above, or perhaps this article, or any other resource on the subject. But, since design patterns are common solutions to common problems, you don't want to re-write Active Record code every time you use a database in your applications. Instead, once you know how the Active Record pattern works, you can look for a framework which gives you an implementation of the pattern with an interface you like.

This is a much better approach to learning design patterns, IMO, than to learn design patterns outside of a framework. I find that resources covering design patterns without a framework tend to be overly abstract. Pattern implementations inside frameworks tend to constrain their context to the framework's intended use. I.e., you can learn much more about MVC theory by first diving into setting up an example Spring Web MVC application than you can by reading an abstract MVC blueprints paper.

When writing an application with a framework, you might get the feeling that you're dumbing yourself down - that you're relying on the framework too much and therefore becoming dependent on the way it works, or locking yourself into an architecture you don't fully grok and therefore can't fully debug. While that's entirely possible, it's more likely that, given the framework is reputable and has a solid architecture, you're actually relying upon good implementations of well-proven design patterns, and learning all about them in the process. This is not only good for your application, it's good for you as a programmer.

frameworks, licenses, etc.

I came across this interesting and relevant blurb from a Dave Rosenberg post on not using GPL for open source projects:

Spring as GPL wouldn't make a lot of sense, just like SugarCRM as Apache wouldn't make sense. (A very dumbed-down explanation being Apache is for ubiquity whereas GPL is for commercial.)</p>

</span>I'll take a stab at the fully-fleshed explanation.

The reason Apache is for ubiquity is because, as a permissive license, it allows the licensee to do more with the software. Most relevant, it allows the licensee to build new software on top of the licensed software - a derivative work - but close-source the new software. This makes Apache-covered (or more generally, permissively-covered) software a suitable selection for a wider audience - those that won't (or can't) return their own contributions to the community AND those that will.

The reason GPL can be said to be a more commercial-friendly license (from a project admin perspective) is because, as a viral license, it requires that any modifications made by anyone must be returned as open-source software as well. So a potential competitor cannot "steal" your code (it is free for use anyway), but even furthermore, they cannot improve upon your offering without returning those improvements to you as well - competitors will actually help you.

Now, back to frameworks. Spring, Struts, Tapestry, Google Web Toolkit, Zend Framework, CakePHP, Symfony, Ruby on Rails - all of these use permissive licenses. The reason, of course, is that frameworks are intended to build other software. And that other software won't always be open-source. But it's important for any framework to have a strong and active community in order to enhance the framework itself, so you want ubiquity and popularity over "purity".

If Spring, or any other framework, were licensed under the GPL, then all software built on top of the framework would also have to be GPL. I won't say that this never makes sense - it could be the framework author's intention that the framework only be used to create more free software. It wouldn't make sense if the author intends for the framework to be used in as many software projects as possible.

However, most of the frameworks I mentioned are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (or other similar licenses), and apparently incompatible with GNU GPL. This is just another GPL annoyance to me. These frameworks are clearly good free software, and have adopted a widely-used permissive license in order to foster popularity and community participation. I'm all for free software, but when I use any of these frameworks in a free software project, I'll be using a BSD license.

On Frameworks

Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been busy learning and doing things I've never done before, and its those things which I'm going to blog about.

I've also recently been changing gears as a developer from a scripting-style PHP programmer, to a more OO programmer (Sadly, in Java most of the time). In this transition, I'm starting to warm up to the idea of frameworks. I think I've been around enough to know at least some of the complaints lots of people have with frameworks. Over the next little while on this blog, I might bring a couple of those points up and try to lay out additional perspective on them.

Today's point:
"Frameworks are just big ugly factory factory factories too abstract and cumbersome to do any good." (example)

"If you want to develop a simple website with five to ten pages, limited access to a database, and no obligations to ensuring its performance or providing documentation, then you should stick with PHP alone. You wouldn't gain much from a web application framework, and using object orientation or an MVC model would likely only slow down your development process." (src)

The above statement from the Symfony manual pretty much lays it out, especially since the example critical article states the scope of the hypothetical project as, " a spice rack." For simple projects, OO and Frameworks are over-kill.

But I think the better metric for determining if a framework is appropriate is not in number of pages (indeed, frameworks often at least double or triple your number of files), but rather in scope of features and depth of functionality.

In order to determine this, see if you can identify some useful objects in your project at all. Anti-OO heads might correctly argue that objects aren't *required* so there aren't any to identify, whereas OO-heads might correctly say there are objects in every project - which is why I added the "useful" qualifier.

A useful object, IMO, is an object that reasonably encapsulates properties and behavior - i.e., an object whose properties or behavior will be re-used in multiple areas of the project - the common examples are DB, logging, emailing classes etc.

Now, if there's only 1 or 2 useful objects (e.g., spice jar and spice rack) in the entire scope of the project, OO is applicable, but maybe unnecessary, and frameworks are counter-productive (they tend to introduce upwards of a dozen or more support objects with which you also have to deal).

On the other hand, if there are half a dozen useful objects, it is helpful to handle them all in a consistent way so that you can be sure of responsibility scope, standard interfaces, access levels, coding styles, blah blah on every object in the project. OO and frameworks are meant to force you to do this. I think the main point of pain most PHP programmers have with frameworks is that forcing bit, which is what we find cumbersome.

This doesn't have to be the case. A good framework should align with your own style, and help you adopt OOP quickly and easily, without getting in the way of your non-framework, non-OO code. The framework should be instructional, but unobstrusive. In short, if your experience with frameworks is that they are forcibly cumbersome, check around for a different framework - that's why there are so many options (Zend Framework, CakePHP, and Symfony seem to be the biggies for PHP). When looking at frameworks, read thru their documentation and tutorials - the objects and logic should make sense to you, not confuse you.

However, you will probably never find The Perfect Framework, unless you write it yourself (bad move). More than likely, you will have to climb the learning curve for some framework, letting it force you to adopt some new coding practices. I think PHP programmers are a bit spoiled in that PHP has such a shallow learning curve that a framework's learning curve seems daunting in comparison. (Contrast this to Java where learning by framework is probably the easiest way to learn Java?) But really, once you grasp the core "Aha!" features of a framework, the rest tends to fall into place.

Climbing this learning curve is usually the point at which a PHP programmer finds the framework to be too abstract. Why is the Controller class hierarchy 5 levels deep? Why is there an interface defined if it doesn't DO anything? I think the natural inclination of PHP programmers is to try to grok the framework by reading code. This isn't as straight-forward in OO frameworks. There's lots that goes on with OO frameworks which is implicit in the design of the objects (and the mechanisms of OOP) rather than explicit in the code. I would encourage PHP programmers to stick with it - it's necessary to brush up OO skills to fully grok any framework. But again, if you find a certain framework's code and design totally illogical, it's probably not the one for you.

All I've really done so far is explain WHY frameworks are cumbersome and abstract ... but do they do any good? It's easy to just point to Ruby on Rails as proof that frameworks can be awesome, but I'd also like to point out some of the specific reasons why this is so. (I may explore these in depth later)

Standardizing your code. This is a biggie, IMO. When you do script-by-script, ad-hoc programming, your mood, caffeine levels, circadian rhythms, or any number of other factors might change the way you write code from minute to minute. This is Very Bad for maintaining the code later on, when you need to change something and realize not only is it duplicated in dozens of locations, but each one has a slight variant in how the code is run, which means you can't just find-replace it all. Ouch.

Less "plumbing" code. Now this of course relies on the idea that your project NEEDS plumbing code in the first place. Again, if your project is small, it probably doesn't need plumbing code, and adding a framework full of plumbing code slows you down. An example of "plumbing" code is DB-access code. Any object in your project which accesses a database needs it, so it's nice to have a standardized method for doing it. And if you have a dozen objects of your own to write, why not wire them up with a framework's db-access plumbing code.

Productivity. This is not apparent while first learning the framework, but adopting a framework should boost your productivity. As stated above, you will be writing little (or no) plumbing code, instead focusing on YOUR code responsibilities, and relying on the framework for others.

Testability. Arguably not a feature of ALL frameworks, but good frameworks tend to employ good OO design, which forces YOU into better OO design, which makes your code testable via mocking objects and the like. This is another one of those things that probably turns PHP programmers off at first, but if they take the time to learn it and do it, the rewards more than make up for it. Writing tests first forces you to think about how other code will interact with the code you're about to write. And if you continue to write tests, you build up an entire battery of tests which help to keep you from inadvertently introducing bugs in the future. Tests do add some time onto your development, but they give you a great deal of quality, and confidence to modify code down the road.

That's about it for now. I've actually enjoyed the Spring framework a good deal in my Java work. It inspired me to go looking at ZF, Cake, and Symfony, which I think are also pretty good frameworks for PHP. If and when I need to build a sizeable PHP project of my own, I'm sure I'll be using one of them, or something similar.

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