MDN 2.0

Wow, that's how much of a non-event a "2.0" product release is these days. I forgot to publish this when we pushed 2.0. Might as well publish before our 2.1 push today. :)

MDN 2.1

  • Set up 'master' and 'next' branches and corresponding stage servers on (bug 710747)
  • Wiki content migration & work
  • Architecture for migrating MindTouch DekiScript templates into Django JavaScript templates (bug 715253)

Small sprint this time, but Les made some great progress on our wiki migration. I'm forcing myself to do a migration script bug this sprint so I learn enough of that code to follow his architecture and contribute what I can.

Question or comment about this post? Tell me on GitHub.

MDN 2.0 / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
MDN 2.0 / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA