'encouragement' to MySQL


given the sparse knowledge we know about XML support in MySQL, it may be too early to be "criticizing" MySQL, but to me it seems like XML just keeps getting more and more attention, and now here are some links confirming that database vendors are taking notice. if IBM and Microsoft have plans for XML in their databases, I think it should be a good indication to the open-source vendors that enterprises are looking for XML features. I know we are, but given my track record, I won't hold it against anyone to write off any opinion I have on my own.


here's some lovely marketing garbage about Microsoft .NET...and the winning quote-of-interest goes to:

"By leveraging the power of Microsoft's® .Net™ with XML Web services technology, all of the CSTA programs...can communicate...to the BackOffice database server...via its XML Web services"

Yeah, okay...but all these programs are written with MS technologies anyway, so really they're using Web Services to fix some MS 'spaghetti-code' inside platforms that should talk to each other anyway! What should really happen with Web Services is allowing Microsoft .NET applications speak to other applications...J2EE, PHP, etc. The only interoperability/integration issues this CSTA group has solved are issues that are caused by MS itself. But good for them.


Since I only skimmed this interview, and I remember how badly it goes for me to offer lengthy opinions on shallow research, I'll just say that BPEL is really quite interesting to me. Now that I've sunk my teeth into some real live WSDL and SOAP, I think BPEL is the most interesting of the 2nd generation WS standards, and I want to find some project where I can apply and learn it.

a couple more news items

this is a case where crappy software patents hits close to home. the now-bankrupt CommerceOne auctioned off some software patents relating to Web Services technologies. there's another great description of this madness which points out "...Commerce One patented a method for using standardized electronic documents to automate the sale of goods and services over the Internet." stuff like this makes it very easy to agree with tearing out all software patent law. in all fairness, I should say I don't view CommerceOne as all that evil. they filed some ridiculous patents, sure...but they also gave away a lot of their 'IP' to the open-source community. I'm more afraid of this JGR Acquisitions group who paid $15.5 million and will be looking to make a profit, most likely from IP lawsuits.</p>

in some good news, IBM created a cool Eclipse plugin for Web Services which supposedly allows a developer to more easily visualize and debug web service transactions, or at least, web services hosted on WebSphere! I've thought this would be an awesome feature for Zend Studio or for the php Eclipse plugin, but that's further down the road when apache/php are extended (by us?) to be very powerful web servicers.

today at the MySQL meetup, I presented the php5 code I wrote along with the webservice helper that created/published/hosted the WSDL enabling the code to be re-used anywhere with SOAP capabilities. I think it went over pretty well, but I still need to enhance the service by adding more couriers and consolidating the results into a single XML response. then I'll hopefully get a chance to show that to Mike G. from EDS, as he couldn't be at today's meetup.

nothing else.

my very first web service

okay, a little nuts-and-bolts post today. I've finished my first web service, though it is really just a web service wrapper to a tool already offered online by UPS. I guess the service I'm offering is a free implementation of their tool using WSDL and being able to hit UPS using the account I created. I guess I better say that by using my service, you agree to the terms that UPS has put on their service. and don't go around using this in production or commercial programs, as I think it's not allowed without your own account, and my IP address will more than likely change soon, breaking the WSDL URL.</p>

here's the description as generated by webservice helper. here's the WSDL for you to use.

what I've done is used cURL in PHP to make an HTTP post to UPS. I made a class that creates the correctly formed UPS access XML and request XML strings, then made another class and function that takes the inputs (as described in the WSDL) and returns an XML string. then I just added the proper documentation in the class (for ws-helper), and dropped that class into ws-helper's designated directory, and voila. it generated the WSDL and accepts the soap requests.

the code to consume this service in PHP 5 is pretty easy too, if you have configured PHP with --enable-soap, that is.

$lukeUPSRateService = SoapClient('');

$returnXML = $lukeUPSRateService->performUPSRateRequest($fromZip, $height, $length, $toZip, $weight, $width);</p>

then you could do whatever you want with the XML...like, say...

(un-tested code follows)

$upsXMLObject = simplexml_load_string($returnXML);

$cheapestRate = 100000;

for($i=0; i<$upsXMLObject->RatedShipment.length; $i++){

if($upsXMLObject->RatedShipment[i]->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue < $cheapestRate){ $cheapestRate = $upsXMLObject->RatedShipment[i]->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue;



Random news items

isn't this basically what a blog is supposed to be about?</p>

if T. Erl is still reading this blog, he would have a good deal to say about this, maybe. while I think it's beneficial for code-cruncher types, the idea of being able to properly implement web services after supposedly only 24 hours of research is pretty crazy. and as Erl would agree, it would no doubt miss out on the full potential of what a Web Services platform can do. but quick-and-dirty IT projects are the bread and butter of some developers, and some successful businesses, too!

(as an aside, I have read that book, and it was very good as a starter. but please, please, if you read it, don't consider the single 20-page chapter on 'Typical Web Services Designs' as a good grounds for architecting an SOA with Web Services. it demonstrates only the typical hub-and-spoke integration approach, and Erl's book is far superior.

it looks like we bought our Altova XML Enterprise Suite a little too early up at the office. I've signed up for that ridiculous www.freeipods.com site, because my geeky nature demands I have an iPod, but my wallet demands I don't spend money on it. Altova wanted to give me an iPod all along!

just 2 news items, it seems. I guess it's typical blog-fashion, even if it is somewhat lacking in depth.

2 posts in a day!

a minor effort to get some of the very justified and well-founded pressure off of my own back, and onto someone else's....</p>

Erl responded to my open-source inquiry. I don't know if he spoke for himself, or if he really did just speak for 'some' others...

"That's not an area I'm really involved with, so I'm probably not

the best person to ask. I believe that some think open source

implementations may undermine the standardized interoperability that the

WS-* platform promotes."

in a bit of blog-magic, I will magically turn the former 'Anonymous' commentor into MATT CROUCH and hopefully get him to sink his very shrewd fangs into Erl's statements.

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