here's the description as generated by webservice helper. here's the WSDL for you to use.
what I've done is used cURL in PHP to make an HTTP post to UPS. I made a class that creates the correctly formed UPS access XML and request XML strings, then made another class and function that takes the inputs (as described in the WSDL) and returns an XML string. then I just added the proper documentation in the class (for ws-helper), and dropped that class into ws-helper's designated directory, and voila. it generated the WSDL and accepts the soap requests.
the code to consume this service in PHP 5 is pretty easy too, if you have configured PHP with --enable-soap, that is.
$returnXML = $lukeUPSRateService->performUPSRateRequest($fromZip, $height, $length, $toZip, $weight, $width);</p>
then you could do whatever you want with the, say...
(un-tested code follows)
$upsXMLObject = simplexml_load_string($returnXML);
$cheapestRate = 100000;
for($i=0; i<$upsXMLObject->RatedShipment.length; $i++){
if($upsXMLObject->RatedShipment[i]->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue < $cheapestRate){ $cheapestRate = $upsXMLObject->RatedShipment[i]->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue;