Continuous Integration

This is another Agile/XP practice with which I'm fairly happy; although I haven't yet seen it live up to its full potential, that potential is great enough to make me a believer.

Continuous Integration is a process that completely builds and tests code frequently. The "process" usually takes the form of a dedicated server running special software that continuously performs a series of tasks similar to the following:
(though apparently this process can be un-automated by using a rubber chicken)

1. Perform an update from the code repository
2. If changes are found, run a build (compile, test) of the latest code
3. a) If successful, package the latest code for deployment or b) If failure, report failure

Although I'm a fan of CI, it seems to be a more complicated practice than TDD. Though my experience may be tainted by bad hardware + software on which our CI depends.

CI requires that you maintain an automated build script. This isn't a tall order amongst Java and other compiled-language developers since projects of any moderate size need an automated build to simply compile and to separate source code from compiled code.

Interpreted languages are a bit different, though, in that they can usually be tested immediately upon edit. As such, automated build scripts are a bit more un-common for software written in interpreted languages. But most interpreted language software projects of any moderate size do have a consistent process for deployment, even if it's as simple as: make db changes, move files - and most interpreted languages have builders to automated this consistent process. In PHP, I've been looking at Phing.

CI is really most helpful when the build process includes a solid test suite. (Defining "solid test suite" is an exercise left to the reader.) With a solid test suite, CI can help you catch bugs earlier than usual because it typically re-runs all those tests after every check-in.

In addition, CI gives creates a vast sequence of clean builds similar to the "nightly builds" you hear about in open-source projects - a finalized packaged release of the project ready for deployment.

Finally, if you ensure that your CI platform replicates your target production platform(s), you can use it as a reliable measure of your project's production-platform readiness. This can be a double-edged sword, however - if your CI platform is different than your target production platform, it can give you false confidence of production-readiness, and even cause problems that aren't caught until later in QA or worse, actual production.

As with TDD, the benefits are not without drawbacks and you should weigh them for your own project before deciding if/which/how Agile practices are adopted. CI has the above benefits, but it is also a fairly complicated development platform for which engineers will be primarily responsible - it sometimes requires a good deal of time and attention to keep going. You still have to judge for yourself if it fits into your project, goals, and style.

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Continuous Integration / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
Continuous Integration / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA