the binary canary testing pattern

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I think I just invented a new testing pattern - The Binary Canary.

Basically, I was grouping my PHPUnit tests into a test suite and I realized that my TestCase super-classes were "failing" because they had no tests in them. Obviously this is intentional - only the specific sub-classes would have tests.

I guess I could have made the TestCase super-classes abstract, but instead I added this to the highest-level TestCase class:

* global test plumbing here
class Sfx_TestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function setUp()
// more global test plumbing here
public function test_Binary_Canary()
"Binary Canary says test plumbing is working.",
"Binary Canary says test plumbing is working."

My little binary canary serves two purposes:

  1. It adds an "always-pass" test to each of my TestCase classes so they don't throw up any more PHPUnit warnings.
  2. Because my TestCase classes set up context-specific test plumbing, the binary canary test inherited by each of them now alerts me if I screw up any of my test plumbing - and tells me the specific area.
  3. </ol>

    For example:

    class Sfx_Db_TestCase extends Sfx_TestCase
    public function setUp()
    // Db-specific test plumbing


    class Sfx_Controller_TestCase extends Sfx_TestCase
    public function setUp()
    // Controller-specific test plumbing

    Just like the coal-miner canaries of old, this mechanism gives me a simple yes/no signal as to whether or not my test plumbing will soon kill me, and which plumbing code is the culprit.

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the binary canary testing pattern / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
the binary canary testing pattern / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA