Test-Driven [Design|Development]

Today I learned to appreciate Test-Driven Design a little bit more. Here's the story.

I'm writing some RSS feeds that will contain extensions and other non-RSS elements using XML Namespaces. I'm using Zend_View and Zend_Feed and I thought the best place to put the namespace would of course be at the top of my default.rss.phtml template file - that way I can register all the namespaces at once at the top of the feed. Instead of writing the test first, I wrote the code first. Took maybe 10-20m and seems to work fine:

<rss content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"

Then I go to write the test. Lo and behold - it's a big pain in the ass to consume the feed using SimpleXML.

It's easy enough to create a SimpleXML element out of the feed, but I can't create SimpleXML elements from the content:encoded XML data:

<doap:name>Project 1.1 - Foobaj</doap:name>
<foaf:homepage resource="http://lcrouch-703.sb.sf.net/users/admin1">

Because all the namespaces used in the DOAP class aren't in the content. Argh! My first thought is to screw SimpleXML and do a raw string search/parse in the test. But then I had my epiphany: "If I were an actual client of this feed, I would want to be able to parse it easily with SimpleXML or with any other XML library."

I ended up pushing the xml namespace declarations right down into the appropriate elements - where I now think they are *supposed* to be:

<doap:name>Project 1.1 - Foobaj</doap:name>
<foaf:homepage resource="http://lcrouch-703.sb.sf.net/users/admin1">

Voila - SimpleXML starts parsing everything very easily.

This is one of the biggest boons for Test-Driven Development - the effects it has on the way you design your code. If I had not tested my code as an actual client would use it, I would have produced some pretty shoddy feeds with useless XML namespacing.

Question or comment about this post? Tell me on GitHub.

Test-Driven [Design|Development] / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
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    Cheers, Keep it up.
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Test-Driven [Design|Development] / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA