OSCON quotes - day 1

I want to share quotes I overhear at OSCON 2009. Most of these are from fellow SourceForgers ...

  • I'm a fan of the minimalist beauty of the electronic device.
  • Your API is not a beautiful fucking snowflake.
  • I am as asymptotically close to clean as possible.
  • You're going to be happy about not being happy.
  • I'm German, we know how to deal with crowds.
  • It doesn't matter, you eat it with rice and bread.
  • I fucked the grower to get this shit.
  • It's amazing what you can fit up your ass with a little practice.
  • I don't like my balls soaked in sugar syrup.
  • People shouldn't call each other tar pit.
  • There's nothing you can think of with an olive that I haven't already video'd and sold on the internet.
  • Is this the placenta thing?
  • All eating human flesh stories start with, "I was going to med school."
  • </ul>

Question or comment about this post? Tell me on GitHub.

OSCON quotes - day 1 / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
  1. That's awesome Luke. Thanks for posting these. Good times.
  2. Hey dude !
    You did an excellent job with ajaxMyTop, I had a big MySQL query problem that where knocking down my 3 servers and I found the error through ajaxMyTop, thanks a lot !
    I was wondering I could send you an email but I didn't found your e-mail address on either Sourceforge or Olho.
  3. Thanks man. Glad it helped you out. :)
OSCON quotes - day 1 / groovecoder by groovecoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA